The Entertainment Marketing Company
Product Placement, Branded Integration, Promotions, Celebrity Relations and Licensing
Entertainment Marketing
The consumption of entertainment has changed with the addition of streaming services, online content recording, commercial free playback and more. A successful ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING campaign will allow YOUR BRAND’s placement or integration to break through the commercial “avoidance” and clutter to to solidly deliver your messaging. Entertainment Marketing gives your brand the opportunity to integrate into films, television shows, online content and original content for streaming media to become a part of the story! We facilitate consumer’s engagement with your products, increase brand recall and influence their purchase behavior.
Our Team
Our team of entertainment marketing, branding and PR professionals look far beyond the placement of your brand to identify and propose multi-layered public relations, branding and advertising opportunities born of your brand’s on-screen placement
The Entertainment Marketing Company has been placing client’s brands in motion pictures, television shows, branded content, and original content for streaming services for over 20 years!
Latest Entertainment News
We provide our clients with real time entertainment marketing opportunities.
“The Caretaker”
Artha, a nurse and a recovering alcoholic, leaves the scene of a car accident fearing she has been
“Under The Banner of Heaven”
Focuses on two brothers who murdered the wife and infant daughter of their younger brother. The killers claimed
The series takes place 7 years post-apocalypse as memory-wiped Citadel agents must piece their lives back together and